
minas gerais, brazil


Project, Eco Lodge

Since october 2023

Ibiti is a socio-environmental project dedicated to creating harmony between humans and nature in the mountains of Minas. Our focus is on sustainability, community, and innovative education.

Ibiti’s journey started in 1982, with the purchase of Fazenda do Engenho, which inspired the creation of Engenho Lodge. Today, the owners manage over 6,000 hectares of forests and mountains for rewilding, and recovering native flora and fauna, such as the critically endangered Muriqui Monkey.

Ibiti invests in the region's economic sustainability through regenerative tourism and other nature-based business models. It also keeps The School of Life for the local community, promoting local Minas Gerais Culture and a deep connection with nature and inner resources. Ibiti’s goal is to create a fertile environment for happiness, fostering harmony between people and nature


The Ibiti Refaunation Program reintroduces native fauna to the area, including species like the paca, cougar, and the critically endangered Muriqui Monkey, which are all indicators of a healthy ecosystem.

The ASAS Project rehabilitates and releases rescued wildlife including birds and mammals that are victims of trafficking. Once rehabilitated, all wildlife is released back into the wild.


An Environmental Education Program educates employees, locals, and students about environmental care, with activities like visits to our recycling shed, compost heap, and vegetable garden.

The Life School offers a rural education model that emphasises a connection with the community and the land. All activities are designed to promote peace and harmony with the environment.


Accommodation options, such as Engenho Lodge and Casa Carlinhos, fuse the local Minas Gerais farm culture with touches of exclusivity and sophistication. Guests can experience life in a rural area like Mogol, a local village with just 22 residents.

The Yucca Restaurant follows a garden-to-table philosophy using healthy, organic, and vegetarian ingredients sourced locally. 


The Eco Print project neutralises Ibiti’s carbon footprint by taking over areas undergoing natural regeneration to offset our ecological footprint. Visitors who use vehicles are charged a fee that supports this project.

Our commitment to sustainability includes sourcing 90% of our ingredients locally. This supports regional agriculture and ensures fresh, seasonal produce in our restaurants.

Ibiti’s Highlights

For more information visit:


Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve


Kicheche Mara North