Steppes Travel
Operating worldwide

Steppes Travel
Tour Operator, Family, Luxury, Adventure, Private Tours
member since february 2021
Based in the UK, Steppes Travel is a B Corp tour operator that creates travel experiences that foster a sense of passion and care for the world’s threatened communities, wildlife and habitat. Flying creates harmful carbon emissions, however we believe that with careful curation, the sum of a holiday’s parts can outweigh the negative impact of its carbon footprint.
Through a combination of measurement, reduction and offsetting we mitigate our carbon footprint, at our head office and through our value chain. Using the 4Cs as a framework, through a process of audit and choice editing, we seek to enhance the positive impact of our operations on the ground.
Sustainable travel can have the biggest impact through the promotion of conservation, community-led initiatives and carbon mitigation. To this end we give 1% of our annual turnover to the Steppes Fund For Change which encompasses our own homegrown project, Steppes Fund for Female Guides.

Steppes Travel 4C impact
Launched an afforestation project in North East England under the auspices of the Woodland Trust.
Pay a Fair Price for Nature campaign, lobbying Galapagos National Park to increase the park fee.
In conjunction with our local partner, organised and funded a training program for 53 female guides in India’s national parks.
Launched the Steppes Fund For Female Guides providing financial support to enable women all over the world to pursue a career in guiding.
Created a series of group tours that celebrate the distinctive expressions of ancient and modern cultures that prevail around the world - e.g. Kumbh Mela tour, Nguon Festival tour.
Working with marginalised ethnic groups in places such as Gujurat in India and Omo Valley in Ethiopia to allow for authentic cultural expression and maximum economic benefit.
Give 1% of annual revenue to Steppes Fund For Change, supporting conservation, community and carbon sequestration projects.
Integrated a carbon calculator into our database to measure the carbon footprint of flights.