Fireblade Aviation
Operating worldwide

Fireblade Aviation
Tour Operator, Family, Luxury, Adventure, Private Tours
member since February 2022
Sustainability is a major point of concern for Fireblade, which aims to be radically transparent and honest about the environmental impact of aviation. By investing in research to drive boundary-pushing innovation, Fireblade hopes to set a new sustainable benchmark for the industry.
Fireblade Aviation is using the 4Cs of Conservation, Community, Culture, and Commerce to radically reimagine how aviation can contribute to social and economic progress while minimising environmental harm. Committed to reducing environmental impact where possible to ensure a safe future for the planet and the industry, and driving employment and skills growth, Fireblade Aviation is excited to embark on a journey of innovation and change.

Fireblade Aviation 4C impact
Measure and track all waste (using Weeva) to drive action.
Solar panels power all operations at the fireblade base.
On-going support for disadvantaged local schools with a specific focus on building maths and science potential.
Annual Girls In Aviation event for scholars and students to consider the aviation industry as a career with multi-faceted opportunities.
Created a series of group A commitment to strengthen intercultural relationships and understanding by supporting communities at events like Mandela Day.
Strong internal values that drive the team to be passionate advocates for aviation and sustainability.
A source of reliable business for local communities with particular emphasis on female and black-owned local businesses.
Efficient fuel use is a key component of linking commerce to environmental wins.