
GreatER KRUGER, South Africa


Eco Lodges

since july 2023

At Thornybush, our purpose is to open your heart and soul to the wonders of safari and the wild beauty of the Greater Kruger Park. Our community projects and conservation initiatives run in conjunction with Thornybush Nature Reserve and set us apart as a globally recognised safari destination.

At Thornybush, our purpose is to open your heart and soul to the wonders of safari and the wild beauty of the Greater Kruger Park. Our community projects and conservation initiatives are formalised within a registered non-profit and run in conjunction with Thornybush Nature Reserve. The Thornybush Community registered non-profit (2005) is the formalisation of the community upliftment practices in the neighbouring communities of Uthla, Dixie, and Acornhoek. Thornybush Community recognises that symbiotic collaboration with residents is crucial for holistic conservation and community sustainability.


An active dog unit is integral to the conservation efforts across the reserve.

Innovative tree-wrapping techniques protect vulnerable tree species from the local elephant population.


The Thornybush Community Foundation is a separate non-profit entity with a mission to respond to community needs.

The Thornybush Community Foundation supports hospitality students at the South Africa College of Tourism, providing them with a year of intensive training followed by an internship in the Thornybush lodges.


The picture wall in the central lodge area is a testament to the history of the lodges, employees, and community.

Committed to the development of a strong internal culture. 


Guests can participate and contribute to the rhino dehorning initiative, contributing to the preservation of the species for generations to come.

A strong repurposing and re-use ethos is implemented across the organisation, lodges, and new building projects.

Thornybush Highlights

For more information visit:


The Hide Safari Camp


Tiger Mountain Pokhara Lodge